Lunar calendar of dreams for January 9, 2018

January 9, 2018 Tuesday
23 lunar day
Symbol: Crocodile Makkara
Today dreams are deceptive and even contradictory to reality. Whatever message you believe your dream on this lunar day is giving, the truth is more likely to be opposite. Sometimes today's dreams are about social issues or they might show you which aspects of yourself you do not accept. Because of the energy of this lunar day nightmares are possible.

January 10, 2018 Wednesday
24 lunar day
Symbol: Shiva
On this lunar day dreams show the state of your sexual energy, creative power, inner strength, and your overall potential. If you had good dreams, then everything is going well. Bad dreams may point to the place where your energy is escaping. Perhaps you have not established a relationship with the opposite sex, or you aren't manifesting yourself creatively in life, or you've wasted a lot of internal strength and you need to recover that energy. Sometimes dreams on this lunar day may show your past lives, in this case life is giving you direct instructions for the precise issues that you are in need of overcoming.
January 11, 2018 Thursday
25 lunar day
Symbol: Turtle
It is believed that this lunar day is a day of prophetic dreams. It is important today to interpret dreams using your intuition. Even if the images of the dream seems very clear and dry you still need to listen to your inner voice. If you had a nightmare, in the morning read a prayer and wash your face with cold running water, let it take away all the bad energy.
January 12, 2018 Friday
26 lunar day
Symbol: Swamp
Dreams today may show you habits or vices which deserve to be discarded. If in the dream you saw yourself as a dictator then you should reduce your pride; If you saw yourself in a smaller role, for example poor, it means a lowered self-esteem. In the dreams of this lunar day you may see the secret side of your soul. If you saw lightning in the dream it is a warning that you should tame your pride and vanity. The dreams on the 26th lunar day may improve your mood and can come true, especially if they are in color.

January 13, 2018 Saturday
27 lunar day
Symbol: Trident
Today is a day when both dreams and omens can come true. The dreams on this lunar day may bring you intuitive knowledge, which could help to understand certain people or events. They can reveal the true nature of things. For example, if you suspect foul play or betrayal from someone and in your dream they save you from the fire - it means your suspicions are unfounded and this person is a true and trustworthy friend. Be cautious with the interpretation of these dreams, it is easy to make a mistake today. Better to consult someone who is well versed in dream psychology.
January 14, 2018 Sunday
28 lunar day
Symbol: Lotus
On this lunar day you are better able to work with your dreams. The dreams may specify the obstacles or difficulties in your current affairs and show you how to overcome them. Dreams this lunar day are possibly prophetic, and they may show your future. When making conclusions about what you remember keep in mind that the dreams are only a notice and whether they will come true or not depends on your actions. The dreams you have today reflect your sensual world, emotional sphere and all aspects of love in general. Therefore, when interpreting the dreams, you may discover hints which help you to work out any obstacles associated with love in your world. In today's dreams you may see who you were in a past life.
January 15, 2018 Monday
29 lunar day
Symbol: Hydra
The energy of this lunar day is difficult and it leaves its imprint on the dreams. Before going to bed walk with a lit candle to clear the space in your house. These dreams may be complicated, unpleasant and frightening. If this is the case, it is a reflection of negativity that has accumulated in your subconscious, and which you need to free yourself of. During the 29th lunar day try to maintain harmony and a good mood. If possible try and analyze today's dreams with a professional psychologist.
Lunar calendar of dreams for the next seven days
Lunar calendar for today
Lunar calendar for this month