Lunar day on October 26, 2022

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October 26, Wednesday
Sunrise at 7:42 AM Sunset at 5:46 PM
The Sun in Scorpio Wednesday is a day of the Mercury

It is favorable time for intellectual activities, negotiations, correspondence, accounting and planning.
It is good to learn something new.
Planetary hours
New Moon days continue
Eclipse Season from October 25 to November 8

2 lunar day

Waxing Moon
Symbol: Horn of plenty
starts at 8:55 AM
One can knows what things are necessary by feeling, when eating and contacting with people.
This day is favorable for starting cycles of physical exercises or large educational cycles. Eat only the food you like, follow this principle in your contacts with people as well. Be generous. Do not overeat.


Mouth and teeth are active. Clean frontal and maxillary (Highmore) sinuses. Healthy diet is favorable.


These days you can make a list of suitable food. See the reaction on each food you take. If you like certain food - it suits you, otherwise do not take it. In general, prefer delicate food. Dry fasting is allowed. Avoid meat and alcohol.

Moon in Scorpio

continues from the morning
Good day for creative and intellectual work. Be careful with matters of emotion.
Keep your feet warm. Renovations may be started. This is a fortunate day for resolving difficult problems.

The active organs of the body:

Reproductive organs, ureters, nervous system.


Days of water. Active element is water. Corresponding part of plant for that Sign is leaf. During these days the carbohydrates has its best quality, that favorably influences upon nervous system. Bread and baking are favorable. Full-bodied persons should take digestible bread or avoid flour confectionery at all.


On Scorpio days you may dye your hair. This is a neutral sign for a haircut. It is not suggested to depilate or do facial peeling. This sign is considered as a neutral for manicure.


This is a period of passion and flirtation and people are often feel strong momentary emotional experience. The Moon in the Scorpio can evoke very passion and stormy interrelation. Also the Scorpio strengthen the relations.
The Moon in Scorpio evoke passion in everything and mostly in relations. Jealousy, suspicion, unfounded insult, wild delight and so on are typical for relations during this period. The Moon in Scorpio helps to find out your mystical characteristic. Some astropsychologists says that this period is favorable for magical practice and sexual experience. This is also the best time to clear yourself from the Past like throwing out unnecessary things or breaking unnecessary relations.

Moon aspects with planets

Moon square Saturn
Moon opposite Uranus

Housework today

The Moon's energy is beginning to grow and you may start projects. On this lunar day it is favorable to do any kind of housework from tidying up to rearranging. Today feelings and intuition are heightened, don't forget to take advantage of this while completing your daily tasks...
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Meditations for today

Subjects for meditation: Observe what is favorable for you now and what is not.

Continue planning for the upcoming lunar period. You may continue planning for the upcoming lunar month on the 2nd lunar day. The energy center connected to this day is the philtrum (the area between nose and upper lip)...
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Dreams on 2 lunar day

Dreams on the second lunar night may be pointing you towards the solution to karmic issues, especially, if they began to show themselves in your current life. Therefore, you should be especially careful with these dreams tonight; they will be the blueprint of your work over this month, all further dreams will be the details of this design...
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Advice for beauty:

today is a neutral day for the haircut
today is a neutral day for the hair coloring
today is a neutral day for the manicure
epilation is not recommended today
skin cleansing is not recommended today
today is a neutral day for the nail care
Haircut lunar calendar
Hair coloring lunar calendar
Nutrition lunar calendar

Read also:
Lunar calendar for the week
Lunar calendar for year 2024
Full moon calendar
Gardening lunar calendar
Lunar calendar for business