Astrological forecast for November 2022

The energies of Scorpio will still be active in November

The series of eclipses will affect us and aggravate past experiences in the first half of the month. It will remind us about the mistakes that resulted from conflicts, struggles, disputes, excessive expansion and a deep desire to achieve something.

In the second half of the month, several planets will transit to the sign of Sagittarius, specifying tasks for this sign. On the one hand, the situation will get easier. But the masculine and feminine aspects will be on different sides, causing contradictions and confrontations.

The Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse are on November 8

During this Full Moon, the Moon will be in Taurus, and the Sun in Scorpio.

Scorpio is a sign of transformation. A sign of symbolic death. The death of the past is to be reborn with a new meaning.

It brings the cleansing power of the waters.

The eclipse adds to the already great importance of this Full Moon and will put more pressure on our pain points, aggravating the question of our I want and I wish I get .

Scorpio and Taurus show this issue well and allow it to become less tense and purify itself.

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Venus is in Scorpio until November 16

In this position, Venus increases desires, passion, and sexuality. The attraction of the partners to each other also grows.

There will be a high chance of showing signs of jealousy over what is yours. There will be impulsiveness in the relationship.

The tendency to dramatise and experience events deeply increases.

This is a good period for creative people to express themselves. It s a great time for self-concentration and self-immersion. For fully expressing the depth of feelings for the loved ones.

The time is favourable for playwrights, actors, and those who create attractive, hypnotizing, and sexual images.

Venus transits into the sign of Sagittarius on November 16

It will stay in this sign until December 10.

Venus in Sagittarius gives us a craving for beautiful and luxurious things. It increases our interest in communicating with reputable people. Interest in celebrities appears.

Here Venus adds optimism, gives us a craving for travel, and a desire to visit new places and expand our horizons.

The need for new experiences increases.

Mercury is in Scorpio until November 17

Speech becomes more impressive and attractive at this time. Via conversation, it ll be easier to arouse the interest of a person, attract them to your products, and successfully conduct important negotiations.

At the same time, the speech of other people may be perceived as more oppressive and even aggressive.

Impetuous statements and rude words may appear. Also, the use of strong language may increase.

Such Mercury encourages deep thinking. At this time, you can think deeply about many things, analyse, and understand the deeply hidden reasons.

It s good to analyse your activities, initiative, and actions.

You have to be prepared to hear unflattering statements during negotiations. Also, intractability and intransigence are possible. Each side will defend its point of view and there may be a struggle between them.

This is a great time for learning, research, analysis, comparison of facts, writing, and all other areas where mental immersion is needed.

Mercury transits into the sign of Sagittarius on November 17

It will stay in this position until December 7.

This position of Mercury will incline us to wordiness. There will be a tendency to philosophise and see the positive side of things.

Mercury in Sagittarius is subjective. It will be difficult to think straight and reflect at this time.

There will be more general words about the world, what is happening, or something unreal and far from existence.

This time is more suitable for creating a general outline of the upcoming activities.

It may be difficult to describe specific actions and create step-by-step instructions.

This is a good time to communicate with reputable people, teachers, and mentors.

You can learn new branches of philosophy and study religion.

Support from sponsors is likely.

Mars remains retrograde in Gemini

During the period of the retrograde Mars in Gemini, communication will decline.

It may be harder to focus on studying.

Commerce, trading, and establishing new contacts will be harder.

Self-aggression may appear. Internal impulses will be more distinct. There may appear more internal fuss.

It won t always be clear how to act, or what to focus your attention on. It will become more difficult to stay strong-willed.

During this period, it s good to go back to what you were doing in the past and rethink these activities.

Jupiter retrograde in Pisces until November 24

Moving retrograde, Jupiter moves in its domicile Pisces.

In a retrograde position, Jupiter will focus on the revision of internal ethics and morality.

This is a time to think about a lot of things. It s advised to think about your principles, and attitude to life and your loved ones, and to see your strengths and weaknesses.

It s recommended to define your attitude to the common, the whole, and the one. To reflect on love, how you understand and show it.

This is the time to rethink your higher values.

The Sun transits into the sign of Sagittarius on November 22

The Sun in Sagittarius gives optimism, idealism, and a sense of purpose in life.

At this time, there may be a need to communicate with smart and famous people. It would be good to visit your teacher or mentor.

If conditions are favourable, you can deal with legal and legislative issues.

Stationary Jupiter in Pisces is on November 21-28

Before concluding its retrograde, Jupiter will slow down, gradually reducing the speed of its movement.

The static position of Jupiter will slow down activities related to legal documents and appeals to legal authorities.

It s better not to plan any trips at this time, especially abroad.

It s better not to turn to bosses and authoritative people with requests or apply for a promotion.

Jupiter in Pisces concludes its retrograde on November 24

Jupiter in Pisces has a great influence on the general atmosphere in society. It adds to the spirituality of society.

This position of Jupiter gives many favourable opportunities and expands horizons and views.

It brings luck in dealing with legal issues and helps to get help from reputable people or superiors.

The New Moon in Sagittarius is on November 23

The New Moon in Sagittarius gives optimism, a desire to expand horizons, a thirst for knowledge, and a desire to see things from a wider perspective.

The sign of Sagittarius helps to choose the direction where to move, to see a new turn in your path.

In some ways, the energy of Sagittarius is too idealistic, tends to rely on authoritative opinions, and is not always able to see details. Therefore, when choosing a direction and looking for expansion, it s important to remember the little things and nuances.

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Saturn continues its direct motion in Aquarius

Saturn in Aquarius encourages structuring scientific ideas and discoveries.

It allows us to shape our thoughts and encourages learning programming languages.

It adds responsibility towards others and improves self-discipline.

It helps to organise team members and create projects and improves the team s productivity by organising better teamwork.

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