Astrological forecast for December 2022

Stationary Neptune in Pisces from December 1 to 8

During the transition of Neptune from retrograde motion to direct motion, it will be in a state of limbo for some time. On one hand, such a position can bring general slowness, drowsiness, and external detachment, and on the other hand, add to our internal anxiety.

At this period, it s important to go to bed on time and not to stay up late. Watch less TV and read less news. It s important to take a break from the hustle and bustle in time. It will be good to pay more attention to inner self-development and review what happened during Neptune retrograde (from June 28, 2022).

Neptune in Pisces goes direct on December 4

On December 4, Neptune strats its direct motion in Pisces.

Neptune in Pisces gives creativity, a sense of all-encompassing love, inner religious commitment, and an understanding of the universality of Genesis.

Here, it favours artists, actors, the cinema and multimedia industry, photographers, herbalists, pharmacists, psychologists, mystics, religious people, and those who help people, animals, and plants.

Mercury transits into the sign of Capricorn on December 7

Mercury in Capricorn will add to the clarity of thinking and the desire to structure everything.

Such a position of Mercury will help in planning, making schemes and order, and will contribute to systematisation.

At the same time, speech may be dry and communication is more effective and short.

Such a Mercury will strive to remove all the vagueness from documents and words.

During this period, conversations about emotional experiences and problems pale into insignificance. There will be an opportunity to achieve your goal and gradually move towards it.

The Full Moon on December 8

During this Full Moon, the Sun will be in Sagittarius, and the Moon will be in Gemini.

The Full Moon will occur on a Mutable Grand Cross, symbolising the disposition for mild changes.

The Moon in the sign of Gemini will reflect our habits in communication, and how we build relationships, learn, and communicate in general.

The Sun will carry the Sagittarius vibe: setting the right direction and directing a person toward the ability to see his goals and achieve them.

This is a time of goal-setting and the ability to set short-term, specific, and important tasks, achieve them, and then set new ones, gradually moving towards higher goals. The art of small steps works well here.

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Venus transits into the sign of Capricorn on December 10

Venus in Capricorn brings external austerity and restraint.

Such a Venus can limit the sphere of pleasure. It inclines us to asceticism and self-limiting.

Here it will bring dryness, a bit of coldness, and detachment. There may be a desire to be alone or to distance oneself from the daily hustle and bustle.

People who are older or in a higher position can be attractive at this time.

Jupiter transits into the sign of Aries on December 20

On one hand, Jupiter in Aries provides opportunities to increase our social status and to achieve ambitious goals, and, on the other hand, it promotes exaggeration of our possibilities and potential.

At this time, it s better to see if your plans and ideas match with possibilities. It s important to rely on a clear understanding of how to implement your plans.

With such a Jupiter, the tendency to exaggerate, overspending, and the desire to shine and make things on display increases. At this time, it s essential to control your expenses and income, to realise in what situation your grand gesture is affordable and where it s not.

The Winter Solstice on the night of December 21-22

The Winter Solstice is one of the most important and sacred points of the year it s the time of transition from activity to a period of deep inner immersion, it s the end-point of all external affairs, and the beginning of active inner work.

The moment of the Winter Solstice is marked by the transition of the Sun from the sign of Sagittarius to the sign of Capricorn.

Defining the goals on the day of the Winter Solstice is necessary on the basis of the past: goals can be associated with getting rid of something or the implementation of a long-standing idea.

It s better to postpone the planning of the upcoming semi-annual cycle until December 23 because a new lunar month will start on this day, and the Winter Solstice will still continue.

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The New Moon in Capricorn on December 23

The sign of Capricorn marks the height we want to climb.

Each person has his own tasks and heights that he wants to achieve.

Capricorn doesn t promise easy ways. Its road is winding, rocky, and mountainous, where the goal is lost behind the tops of the trees.

In Capricorn, we define the highest task for ourselves and create strategic planning to achieve it. We define how much time and effort we need to overcome all obstacles.

This is not the best period to be active and start something new. This New Moon directs us toward communication and making plans.

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Mars retrograde in Gemini

It will stay in this sign until January 12, 2023.

Mars retrograde will be some kind of addition to Mercury retrograde.

This period will be full of strong inertia, laziness, and apathy. At this time, it may be difficult to communicate and make contacts.

Equipment may fail, and documents or necessary information may be lost.

Everything that will happen during the period of the two retrograde planets Mars and Mercury will have significant importance.

At this time, you should be careful, especially when it comes to communications, trips, business trips, and promises.

The North Node conjuncts Uranus retrograde in Taurus

When in Taurus, Uranus paves a new path to the material side of life.

All the events that are happening now are sealed by the North Node for the future. All the changes that a person agrees to now will have consequences in the future and will appear in the structure of his upcoming material life.

Changes will affect everyday life, nutrition, comfort, pleasure, home design, household, and habits.

Pluto continues its motion in Capricorn

The sign of Capricorn is itself strict, and Pluto enhances its manifestation even more.

It continues to enforce the law, power, and order, goes through all levels and layers, raises all reserves and reveals all secrets, and radically rebuilds fundamental structures.

Mercury starts its retrograde motion on December 29

Mercury retrograde will last until January 18, 2023.

It s good to use this time to review your plans and projects. When planning, pay special attention to risks. It s necessary to forecast a variety of turns of events. The expression soften the blow no longer works as it did before: you need to thoroughly check every single step.

At this time, there s no use in starting something new. It s not because you cannot overcome difficulties but because the obstacles may appear without you knowing, by themselves, and in the most unpredictable way.

If you are going to travel, it s better to visit a place you re interested in before the beginning of Mercury retrograde.

Lunar calendar on Today
Lunar calendar for June 2024
Lunar calendar for year 2024
Astrological forecast for year 2022