Moon in Sagittarius

Cheerfulness and activity. Good day for contracts and filing applications.

Do not overload yourself. This is a good day for massages, care procedures and manicure. Travelling is also suggested.
Details about the Zodiac sign Sagittarius

The active organs when the Moon in Sagittarius:

Tighs, veins, sense organs, sciatic nerve.

Nutrition tips when the Moon in Sagittarius:

Days of warmth. Active element is fire. Corresponding part of plant for that Sign is fruit. During these days the albumen has its best quality, that favorably influences upon sense organs and psychics. Fruits and albumens digest well.

Business when the Moon in Sagittarius:

These days you may experience a cheerful mood and a general increase in activity. People are usually calm, balanced and well-disposed. This is a favorable period to sign contracts or submit an application. You may gain an interest in socializing. It is favorable to work with legal issues. You may commence new affairs, have a distant vacation or business trip or create a new social organization. Avoid purchasing land or commencing new buildings and constructions.

Beauty tips when the Moon in Sagittarius:

These days are not favorable for both haircut and depilation. They are also not suggested for facial cleansing procedures, better to make a mask. This sign is considered neutral for manicure.

Housework when the Moon in Sagittarius:

The moon is in Sagittarius, Fire element is active. The energy of Sagittarius can target and concentrate on a specific project in order to lead it to a successful end; so if you have something that you really want to finish, start it now and it will be done. Otherwise, on days when Sagittarius is active it is just as good to sort through old photos. You may simply take some rest, if possible delay any projects and just enjoy life. Use this period to calmly decorate the interior or even just brainstorm changes. If you really want to do any home improvements then do the work which is fit for Fire days. For example, these days all glassy surfaces are easily cleaned and polished. It is also a good moment for ironing, putting away clothes, freezing fruits and baking bread.

Relationship when the Moon in Sagittarius:

A favorable period for romantic journey, visiting theatre or training, friendly party or home celebration. Romances started these days are usually impetuous, romantic, full of enjoyment and hopes. World view coincidence, passion, mutual satisfaction - strengthen relations and fill them with optimism and lightness. A favorable way is to become a teacher or sponsor for the partner. But don't waste the time – as fast passion comes as fast it can escape. During this period people usually ready for short but intense romances. So this period is favorable for searching new acquaintances and gaieties.

Gardening when the Moon in Sagittarius:

Days of Sagittarius – the days of Fruits.

Set fruits, large-statured vegetables and fast-growing trees.
Prune orchards and bushes (during the waxing moon in spring).
Sow grain.
In spring enrich grain, vegetables and fruits.
Grapple with underground pests.

prong and weed the soil.
Abstain from planting.

Details about the Zodiac sign Sagittarius

Moon in Aries
Moon in Aries
Moon in Taurus
Moon in Taurus
Moon in Gemini
Moon in Gemini
Moon in Cancer
Moon in Cancer
Moon in Leo
Moon in Leo
Moon in Virgo
Moon in Virgo
Moon in Libra
Moon in Libra
Moon in Scorpio
Moon in Scorpio
Moon in Capricorn
Moon in Capricorn
Moon in Aquarius
Moon in Aquarius
Moon in Pisces
Moon in Pisces