The Sun in Leo

About Leo sign

Leo symbolizes self-consciousness, individuality, centrality and leadership.
This sign controls accumulation of all different elements of a human into integrate personality.
Leo gives forces to a person, self-confidence, an ability to control the circumstances, other people and yourself.
Truly self-conscious person is those who leads his life to supraliminal life goal and has a certain plan for his life.
The energy of Leo induces people to self-actualization, intellectual activities and domination.
A desire to go further, always achieve goals and to be a leader are greatly enabled in this sign.
This sign is considered the most material. It enables angle to have material objects and to dominate.
Leo is a fiery sign. Flame element has its maximum in this sign and gives Leo a will power to implement plans and to organize people for that.
In a human body Leo is connected with heart, blood circulatory system, arteries, back, diaphragm, sense organs.
Keywords for Leo are individualization, self-consciousness, control.
Ruler of Leo is Sun.

The Sun in Leo

During the Sun is in Leo the energy of this sign influences to all the people and we can improve its characters.
With help of Leo energy we can improve self-confidence, self-centering, activity, vigor, leadership.
Leo period is favorable for your personality integration, for meditation onto inner core, self-awareness.
You can improve your will power starting from small deeds and cases, stand the vigor in order to control your life.
The energy of Leo helps to overcome the unconscious cerebration of your life and to achieve self-consciousness of your life program, to control your mind with the help of vigor.
The problems of Leo are egoism, feeling of self-importance, egocentrism, a will of using other people for your personal needs.
These deviations should be balanced. The present quite in each person, most often subconsciously. It is recommended to meditate onto Aquarius, the opposite sign to Leo, try to meet each man as equal, to practice selfless ministration.