Full Moon in Aries

Full moon when Sun in Aries

The concentration of Aries's energy reaches its maximum during the full moon, when the Sun is in Aries, so it is the most efficient period to work with it. The full moon period starts before two days of actual point and it lasts for two days after it. So the period of Aries’s activity lasts five days.
During this period it is recommended to realize the goals of your temporary life, destination and Dharma.
Besides, these goals should be coherent with the goals of your family, group, country and the whole human beings.
Just in this case your will can become the continuation of Divine plan, that is the main goal of Aries sign.
During this period the Divine Mind activates and you can tune in Divine Ideas and perform the real Creativity.
It is recommended to meditate onto One God and the whole our life Unity.

About Aries sign

Aries is the first zodiac sign. It represents the Beginning, Creation, creative impact.
This is the first fire sign and it is connected with human mental body and Divine Plan.
Aries symbolizes creativity. It rules the creation of ideas, which will be implemented in future.
This is a fire of Creation that ruins and cleans outdated forms and creates the new ones.
Important features of that sign are activity, vigor, creative execution, intention.
Aries teaches how to control, improves the administrative ability.
Aries is connected with a head.
Keywords for Aries are Beginning, Creation, Idea, Activity, Control.
Ruler of Aries is Mars.
Element is fire.

Details about the Zodiac sign Aries